Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Platelet Rich Plasma Injection for Hip Bursitis

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After initially successfully injecting many patients with tendon & ligament problems, we have been expanding use of PRP to numerous regions including greater trochanteric hip bursitis among others.
A "bursa" is a small fluid filled sac that can be found in many areas that reduces friction of gliding tissues. This bursa fills with synovial fluid as a result of mechanical trauma/irritation & causes considerable pain. Specifically there is a bursa that lies on top of the greater trochanter (femur/hip bone). This pain can be debilitating. Often cortisone injections can be successful & provide temporary relief. However overuse of cortisone can cause adverse effects & should be avoided. Therefore PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections under ultrasound guidance offer an appealing & safe alternative.

Below are case reports from a group in Texas that successfully injected PRP for hip bursitis.